Financial Information

United Way of Olmsted County makes available for general review our annual audit. In addition to meeting the standards of United Way Worldwide, we also meet standards set by the Charities Review Council and have received the highest rating from Charity Navigator. With a commitment to transparency, accountability and results, United Way of Olmsted County enables you to make a difference right where you live and see the difference you are making.

Annual Report

We all have a stake in creating a prosperous, healthy community and United Way of Olmsted County is honored to work in partnership with so many people and organizations to create a better place for everyone to live and work. View Our Annual Report


2024 Annual Impact Report


Donor Policies

Audited Financial Statement

United Way of Olmsted County's financial statement has been prepared and certified by CliftonLarsonAllen. It is the auditors opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of United Way of Olmsted County Inc. in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Charities Review Council   Smart Givers Charities Review Council

United Way of Olmsted County earns the Charities Review Council's Seal by voluntarily participating in the Council’s online Accountability Wizard. The Accountability Wizard is available to all nonprofit organizations soliciting in Minnesota and addresses a nonprofit organization’s performance in four critical areas:  Public Disclosure, Governance, Financial Activity and Fundraising. By participating in the Accountability Wizard, United Way of Olmsted County demonstrates responsibility, integrity and transparency to their constituents. We are listed as a reviewed organization on the online Giving Guide of the Council’s Smart Givers Network, and the Council’s Smart Giver newsletter distributed to more than 18,000 subscribers in Minnesota. The listings help a nonprofit organization demonstrate its commitment to accountable ethical practices to the public and that it is a trustworthy organization.

IRS Form 990

IRS Form 990 is an annual reporting return that certain federally tax-exempt organizations must file with the IRS. It provides information on the filing organization's mission, programs, and finances. A copy of our 2022 990 Form is available here.

United Way Membership Standards

United Way Thumbs Up

Every year, each United Way is required to adhere to a set of standards and requirements that have been dictated by United Way World Wide. In order to use the United Way name and logo, United Way of Olmsted County must successfully prove its compliance with these rigorous membership standards on an annual basis. The Thumbs Up logo lets our partners and supporters know that United Way of Olmsted County is in good standing with United Way World Wide.


Donor Policies

United Way of Olmsted County plays a unique role as both a resource to community members and as a leader in the non-profit sector in building trust through all we do. This bond of trust goes beyond legal or regulatory requirements to include transparency, a core value we hold dear. We believe that a key element of transparency is freely sharing not only our IRS Form 990 (as required by law) but also our independently audited financial statements and other policies. It is our hope that doing so demonstrates our commitment to public accountability for the financial stewardship of the assets our donor have entrusted to us.


Donor Privacy Policy
Donor Designation Policy
Click Here to View Our Code of Ethics
Click Here to View Our Organization Values